Wyeth's Notes

Not affiliated with the pharmaceutical or nutrition companies

Self-Hosting Supabase – Part 2

(continued from Self-hosting Supabase) While setting up Supabase, I found a post by Christopher Mathews on Medium (How To Self-Host Supabase On Your Own Computer (Full Guide) | by Christopher Mathews | Medium) which addressed one of my main goals – to be able to connect to the dashboard and APIs through custom URLs on... » read more

Self-hosting Supabase

I thought it would be fun to try self-hosting Supabase as a technical exercise. This isn’t a comprehensive guide, but rather some notes on what I ran into and learned along the way. The Supabase website (supabase.com) has a guide on setting up local development with Supabase, which is relatively straightforward. (Local Development | Supabase... » read more

Creating an Urbit – server setup

Now that I had a bonafide ‘ship’ to launch, I had to decide where to initially host it. I decided to put it on the same server as my current WordPress site, to save hosting fees. The droplet I have is a little small, so there were some minor config changes required, mainly to set... » read more

Creating an Urbit

Somehow I ended up following @bronzejaguar on Twitter, which made me aware that now the Urbit project (https://urbit.org) has spawned a marketplace of planets. I’d been following Urbit loosely for a while, but now it looked like something I could play with. I’m going to write up the steps I took this afternoon to install... » read more

Setting up the new Windows Terminal (preview)

Microsoft just released the new Windows Terminal in preview in the Windows Store (see here). Here’s how I set it up. First I installed the Ubuntu app in the Windows Store. This required a reboot. I opened this app and it took a little time to do a one-time setup. Once that was done, I... » read more

Continuing to setup the website…

I noticed some issues in my security plugin’s traffic analysis, so I updated the site to block access to a file that is often targeted by hackers. I also added a firewall at the droplet level. In order to solve the MailChimp API issue referenced in my earlier post, I had to add some DNS... » read more

Salesforce DX and GitLab

A few weeks after I created a CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins for Salesforce DX projects with source code in GitLab, I decided to create a similar pipeline directly in GitLab. Then I found out Salesforce and GitLab kindly did most of the work already! Thanks Salesforce and GitLab! https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/2019/05/gitlab-salesforce-devops-made-easy.html

Terminal on phone

Trying out an application called Termius to SSH into the instance from my phone- works great. Not sure why I would need this yet, but nice to explore.